I, too, have no idea what an ort is so i just kept it on achim. Cool site. Your a very good artist and I think your work is excellent. Please visit my site and sign the guestbook.
I have no idea what an "Ort" is, so I picked "Spiekeroog". I hope that doesn´t mean I like to tickle burn victims or something. Cause I don´t, and whoever tells you that I do is a big stinky liar!! Okay well I´ve only taken one art history course and we never got around to Leive, but I´ll tell ya one thing, I liked some of these paintings. I´m gonna tell you another thing and that´s that the writing on this site sure was big. Huge, in fact. Okay, thank you.
Wonderful art. I am from New York (USA) and I think your work is so colorful and fun! Do you create covers for books? I am an author....Keep up the fabulous work...
hi there.. thanks for signing my hp and giving me the chance to visit yours. You are very talented and unique! keep up the good work and all the best :)