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Gästebuch von Ulrich Leive

828 Einträge gefunden.
<< < 01 02 03 31-40 05 06 07 08 09 > >>
  • So, 30.07.00 17:48
  • schlimmerfingerx  

  • Super Seite, find ich echt toll :-) !
    Meine Hompage
  • So, 13.02.00 05:42
  • Laura  www.geocities.com/Hearltand Falls/8925
  • hi:
    What nice artwork you have. Very lovely. You did a good job and keep up the good work. Feel free to visit my site and sign my guestbook.
  • So, 13.02.00 05:39
  • Karen  waterson@pacifier.com
  • Hi:
    What beautiful artwork. They are so lifelike. You did a very good job and keep up the good work. Feel free to visit my site, browse at you leisure, and sign my guestbook.

  • Mi, 17.11.99 12:23
  • hmmm  
  • hmmm, bin von ner anderen kulturserver page zu dieser hier gekommen, hmmm, weiss nicht, ob das meinem kunstverstaendnis entspricht, hmmm
  • Do, 07.10.99 03:11
  • Thomas Leary  www.muledog.com/magazine/
  • Howdy ulrich,
    Thanks again for signing the Mule Dog guestbook a while back. I wanted to let all my friends know that today Mule Dog Magazine is announcing the release of our fall issue at :
    www.muledog.com/magazine/ featuring reviews of CD´s by Paul Mateki,
    Dianne Rhodes and "Steadman". Also in this issue software reviews of vTuner
    and DSTUNER as well as articles on the chart party held in the virtual
    reality realm called Active Worlds and regular features.
    Thomas Leary,
    Mule Dog Records and Magazine
  • Mo, 21.06.99 05:43
  • Murray Taylor  
  • Hi, Your is the first German site that I
    have visited. Spent some time in Frankfurt/NeuIsenburg in the 1954/55 and
    in 1959 I spent three years in another
    part of Germany. Enjoyed all of the time
    in the country. Liked your site though
    I know very little about art. Murray
<< < 01 02 03 31-40 05 06 07 08 09 > >>