I really liked the pictures!! They look like the pictures from an english book! You are really good! now...only If I can read german. At least..I think the language is german. ;)
Grüße..., Hallo Ulrich? Wie geht es Ihnen? Kühl? Hey Ulrich haben Sie ein gutes homepage hier! Glückwünsche!!! Ich mag es! und Thanx für das Unterzeichnen von meinem Guestbook!
Thank You Very Much! hehehehe... :)
I´ve enjoyed my visit very much. Your site is very unique and informational. It has certainly made me smile. I truly appreciate you taking the time to put together such a worthwhile site. Absolutely, you have spend much time creating it. Keep up the excellent work you are doing! Sites like your´s makes it a pleasure to explore the web. When you have some free time I invite you to stop over to visit us, and to offer any comments or suggestions you might have. Warmest Regards, Heartbeat # Two (Beverly). P.S. Loved your paintings.
Hi! I saw that you signed the guestbook on my page, so I came here to check out your page. I like it a lot! You have a real talent for painting. As an artist myself (though a different style), I can appreciate other´s works, esspecially since I have had some bad experiences on the net with people who don´t like my art. Keep up the great work!
There I was, flying bySaw your place and gave a cry!Snooped around and grinned real wied.I liked so much what was inside!!~*~~*~And so the spirit stick I give to thee,Not one...not two...but THREE!One for luck as long as you live.One is for friendships true.The other one is yours to give
To others as I did to you!!!
Hullo there! *smile* Just wanna say thank youfor visiting my place. I´m glad you like it. Your paintings are beautiful! But unsortunately je n´sais pas your language. *sheepish grin* Oh well...i still like what´s in here though.
Please visit my place and if you deem it worthy,vote for me at The Site Fights! Thanx bunches!!! *huggles*