Sorry, I do not speak German. Wish I could read what is written with the paintings. I do like them, with or without words. Very powerful. You are dark! (not a bad thing) Heavy and dark. Very emotive. Thank you for coming to visit me and thanks, too, for the invitation to see your work. I would like to know what you have to say (in English) if you have the time one day?
Danke für Deine Eintragung in unser Gästebuch. Wir sind jetzt auch in JAHOO! zu finden. Hast Du evtl. interesse uns als Bild festzuhalten? (So wie Du Dir uns vorstellst)
Hallo "Maler" -
ich komme direkt von der neuen homepage des Kammerorchesters "fonte di musica" - und hab dort Ihren Gruß gesehen.
"by the way" - der Leiter des Orchesters ist in OS geboren :-) -
was auch immer das jetzt heißen soll ?12349uhve7twoih874s - blubb -
Thanks for visiting my home page! You have some very nice artwork there. I will bookmark your page and visit often. Thanks for signing the guestbook on my page too. Come back soon.