Thanks for visiting my page and signing my guestbook. I have returned the favor and also enjoyed your site very much. Will definitely come back when I have more time for exploring. Well Done!
Hallo Ulrich...wunderschoene Bilder die du machst, wenn du mal einen Engel malst, dann lass es mich wissen, ich wuerde ihn gerne in meinen Angel News Newsletter zeigen...tschuess Angel ^i^
Thank you for visiting my web page and signing my guestbook. I felt compelled to visit yours as well. What a lovely soul you must be to be able to paint with such passion. Thank you for finding me across the world and sharing you with me. I enjoyed it. Mitzi
I looked through your site, and it looks really great! I hope you get much exposure, and go far.
One suggestion, though, it may help english-speaking people to know what "Ort" means. Then, once we know, to supply an alternative to using one of your choices. Speaking english, I can only assume it is "city" or something?
Thanks for stopping by my site and for your kind words. It must be quite nice to be able to paint.God chooses didn´t talents for everyone,Praise the Lord.God Bless you In His Love Frances
Thanks for visiting my family´s guestbook, and it was a pleasure visiting yours!! All those awards ... you´re a very special person, Ulrich. May God richly bless you!
Ulrich, wonderful site. Lots of creative energy. Very intriguing figural paintings. Thanks for inviting me over, and visiting me earlier and signing my guestbook. Stay sunny... : )
I love the pictures. May God bless you for all the work you do for Him. (Psa 29:2) Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.