Comments: Thank you so much for taking the
time to sign my guestbook.I´m so happy you enjoyed your visit and will visit
often since the page is always changing.I have just viewed your extraordinary
paintings and admire your talent.I will bookmark your page so that I can
have a longer visit within the next few days.Congratulations on a fine website.Trish
Ulrich. I have visited your paintings several time and each time I am more impressed. Again thanks for signing my Guestbook. You may continue to write in German as I understand it fairly well. However, English would be easier. As we say in Italian, Buono Fortuno, Gino
Thanks for visiting my web page, hope you enjoyed your visit as much as I enjoyed visiting your page. You are an extremely talented person. I loved your paintings.
Thanks for signing my webpage-i thought i´d return the favour. Verdict:great. Keep upu the good work. My particular favourite paintng was "the faces of Jesus Christ". I think you captured something quite special there.
Hi, thanks for visiting my page and signing the guestbook. Just stopped by to return the favor! I loved your page. It´s nice to see a page that doesn´t suck. Just kidding, your art is really great, and you´ve accomplished a lot. Keep up the good work!!
I don´t know what "ort" is, so if I put something dumb it was by accident!
Bye! Nikki :)
Hi Ulrich,
Thank you for stopping by my homepage and signing my guestbook. Your paintings are wonderful. I especially like Holocaust since that period in time means so much to me . Good luck in the future and I will be back to see more of your artwork.