I think your artwork was very captivating and orginal. I have some artwork of my own on my webpage. Although it is much more minimalistic than yours, I think some of the themes are simular.
HI! Thanks for visiting me and the critters. Yes, dogs make it a home too. ´-) Love the pictures! You do great work! All you need now is a cat. *wink* Visit again soon!
hey there, I liked your webpage ALOT, the art work is beautifull,
and I also want to thank you for signing my guestbook and by the way where did you find my webpage???
Once again it was a nice stay here at your web page, take care....
Nice Page,
I liked the artwork but couldnt read anything because I do not speak this language. Sorry! I do enjoy the lay out of the page though...nice!
das was sie malen nennen kann doch jeder idiot,der goja war auch so einer.
da muss man sich schamen das so etwas aus deutschland kommt.wen isch wie sie ware wwurde ich alles verbrennen.und selbst mord begehen.
vielen Dank für Deinen Gästebucheintrag.
Interessante Bilder hast Du hier.
Ich habe übrigens auch mal in der Lotterstraße in Osnabrück gewohnt, ein paar Häuser weiter.