Thanks for stopping by my homepage. I just had to take a look at yours as you are an artist and I am interested in art being an art teacher.
You have a wonderful homepage. It is great to see so many quality artists on the internet.
Holy Cow Ulrich! This site is amazing! Great artwork...I bow to you. Hehe. I am from the U.S. also. Uh...I invite you to visit my site, it might just give you a good good laugh.
You have a very nice page. Your artwork is cool! You have worked very hard on it, I see. I know a little bit of German from taking it in high school. I understand it better reading it than I think I would if I was trying to speak it. Thanks for visiting my page and signing my guestbook!
I loved your site, and thank you for visiting my site. Your message at my site brought me here, and allowed me to view your amazing artwork. I also do paintings like yours somewhat, and I will return to view somemore of your work. Thanks for putting one in my guestbook at my page, and please feel free to return. I am not from Germany, so I do not understand a lot of the messages in your guestbook, so I cannot add much. Well, thank you again.
Was er dazugewonnen hat, ist eigentlich dann die Kraft - ja, sagen wir, in einer modernen Sprache - die Selbstbestimmung und des Selbstbewußtseins und des Bewußtseins seines eigenen Ichs als Quelle aller Kreation. Joseph Beuys: 27.01.1983 in Wien.
Lieber Ulrich! Einen lieben Gruß und herzlichen Glückwunsch zu Deiner Netzseite, die mir gut gefällt.
Jens Roland Prochnow