Was er dazugewonnen hat, ist eigentlich dann die Kraft - ja, sagen wir, in einer modernen Sprache - die Selbstbestimmung und des Selbstbewußtseins und des Bewußtseins seines eigenen Ichs als Quelle aller Kreation. Joseph Beuys: 27.01.1983 in Wien.
Lieber Ulrich! Einen lieben Gruß und herzlichen Glückwunsch zu Deiner Netzseite, die mir gut gefällt.
Jens Roland Prochnow
Hello....I am from Ontario, Canada. I have a german background but, unfortunatly I can´t speak it. I really like your art work! Your art has a lot of meaning...I mean you can´t just figure it out by just one look and to me that is just what great artwork should be like. I hope to see more of your art work soon.
Hi dere... I´m not really from Berlin, but I have toured and played there a few times. Your site is wunderbar! I will always love Germany and should be back next year, some of my best memories are there. Stop and visit my site anytime.
hi! can you remember me? you have gone to my homepage and signed my guestbook. your pictures is very good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like them very much!!!!!!!!!! :>
Thank you for visiting my web page. Sorry I do not speak German and don´t understand what all of the words are that are on your guest book so I cannot add much. Your paintings are womderful and thanks for putting one in my guestbook. My web page is www.angelfire.com/ca2/chay10nolan . Thank you again.
Hi there....thanks for signing my book...good to know someone from Germany. Anyway, I don´t understand some words in this guestbook, but nevermind.....I enjoyed looking at the paintings...they are very very artistic & impressive indeed.