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Gästebuch von Ulrich Leive

828 Einträge gefunden.
<< < 39 40 41 42 421-430 44 45 46 47 > >>
  • So, 05.07.98 16:24
  • nix zu tun?
  • So, 05.07.98 16:23
  • haeh?
  • So, 05.07.98 16:22
  • wie jetzt?
  • So, 05.07.98 16:21
  • So, 05.07.98 16:21
  • hi,2!
  • So, 05.07.98 16:20
  • hi,2!
  • So, 05.07.98 16:19
  • bubu  in2.nu/
  • hi!
  • So, 05.07.98 06:59
  • Serge Isbelizu Kollonkoff  
  • Vist und coole gertung, jiste voond finvertag. Heiepe voon strood!
  • Sa, 04.07.98 05:42
  • Jeff Muscato  members.socket.net/~jeffm
  • Name: Jeff MuscatoWebsite: My own little place for shitFrom: Columbia, MO (USA)Thanks for signing my guestbook -- actually it wasn´t that I couldn´t see it, it´s that I didn´t think to scroll down. Other bilingual pages I´ve seen usually have an "introduction" page with links to two different versions of the site, instead of both languages on each page. I just didn´t think to scroll down when I saw that it was in German. Maybe you´d want to consider putting and introduction page like that? (Even if instead of linking to two different versions of the site, you just mentioned in both English and German that all the pages have English farther down the page). See ya!
  • Fr, 03.07.98 04:32
  • Jeff Muscato  members.socket.net/~jeffm
  • Hey thanks for signing my guestbook. I assume "Rest der Welt" is something like "rest of the world" so I put that for "Ort" which I assume is like "location" or "where from." Anywayz -- I couldn´t read anything on your site but thanks for signing my guestbook.
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