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Gästebuch von Ulrich Leive

828 Einträge gefunden.
<< < 42 43 44 45 451-460 47 48 49 50 > >>
  • Mo, 22.06.98 16:37
  • Kalle Anka  members.tripod.com/~do...
  • Hallo
    thanks for you sign my guestbook
    Nice to see your homepage.
    Bless you
  • Mo, 22.06.98 14:22
  • paule  homepage
  • Du solltest Dir die bilder des Künstlers H.J.K.-Krüsmann ansehen.
  • Mo, 22.06.98 14:20
  • kruessmann  homepage
  • Kommst Du noch zum malen , bei deinen vielen akivitaeten im
    internet ???
    auf eine antwort wuerde ich mich freuen
    viel spass
  • Mo, 22.06.98 06:48
  • RoadRunnr  www.roadrunnr.com
  • Hello i seen ya was in my home page and signed my guest book heheh i did not know my old home page was still alive
    Meep Meep
    John Hooper AKA RoadRunnr
  • Mo, 22.06.98 04:19
  • Tom Chatterton  members.tripod.com/~tc...
  • I don´t have any idea what ~Rest der Welt means, but it had a nice "Ring" to it! haha...Thank you for telling me about your rainy weather... looking at your paintings reminded me that I need to quit fooling around with the internet and start painting again....Say...I can understand getting used to the rain...but how can you panit with allthosebells riging all the time?!?!....the bells!....the bells!
  • Sa, 20.06.98 20:40
  • Tom  www.TommyMcGourty.home.ml.org
  • Thanks for visiting my site. It´s a pretty dope site with some wicked paintings and keep it real, man. It´s been a trip. Later.
  • Sa, 20.06.98 19:57
  • OzzyPedro  www.entity.net.au/~pedro/
  • You are an excellent painter. I´m no art critic, but I was really taken in by some of those works.
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