You have a very nice webpage and I have enjoyed looking at your art. Thank you for providing an english version or else I´m afraid I would have been quite lost. Thanks for signing my guestbook. Happy html´ing!
Hi, I´m checking out your site from the link you left in my guestbook. Thank you for the nice comments, your site is really nice too. Your artwork is wonderful. By the way, I´ve revamped my website, please let me know what you think.
*Hi there! Thanks so much for visiting my site, and signing my guestbook. Ulrich Leive´s artwork is wonderful; it´s really nice to see. Thank you for sharing. Take care. -Misty
Hallo Ulrich, vielen Dank für Deinen Eintrag in mein Guestbook. Hab mir natürlich gleich Deine Seite angeschaut. Da ich von Malerei nicht viel verstehe, kann ich leider keinen "qualifizierten" Kommentar dazu abgeben:-) Aber ich finde Deine Bilder interessant.
Viele Grüße, Andrea