Dear Friend Ulrich,
Although I speak absolutely no German, I have truly enjoyed your site and it is quite apparent by your paintings that you are a really talented person. As I said, I speak no German, but I do have quite a few German friends who go to my church. I hope that you will visit my site and that you will be truly blessed by it and that you will take a moment before you leave to sign my guestbook, so I will know you came. I don´t know whether or not you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, but if you do not, it would give me great joy to tell you how you can know Him and be assured of eternal life through a personal relationship with Him. Please know that I am not trying to push my religion onto you as I would surely not as religion is not what saves, but only Jesus. God bless you my dear friend and may He in some small way use me in doing so. I hope that you can read this. Yours in His service, Mickey
We really enjoy your web site.Wish we could speak or read a little more German. Excellent links and also a good testimony. Keep up the good work and continue to lift up and to praise JESUS because HE said in John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. HE also said in John 9:5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
Great paintings! Best of luck in all your future endeavors! Feel free to visit my site too!
Di, 26.05.98 04:07
Hi, nice to meet you on the web just by surfing. It was interesting to stay here. By the way, I´m
a painter, and I´d like you to visit my own homepage. All the best luck to you!
I dont know if i´m able to get trough to your guestbook...I tried once before, but it wasen´t possible...just want to tell you that i liked your pics, and thank you for writing in my guestbook...*s*
Good luck to you too....
Thank you for vistiting our homepage
and signing our guestbook!
Very nice page you´ve got - I´m also inteterested in paintings - not only
Best Whishes!