Hello: You signed my Guestbook and said you had some art of Jesus Christ at your site. I´m glad I came. Thanks. I even downloaded some of the art. Everyone is welcome to come visit my site. I´m in the US Army and lived in Heilbronn for 5.5 years between 1983 & 1988. You have a beautiful country, and I had many friends there.
Thanks for signing my guestbook! I appreciate your comments! Really enjoyed your web page, very interesting. Sorry I can´t read your language. Really like the music! Keep up the good work!!
Hi. Great Site! You have some cool paintings! Sorry, I can´t read, write or understand German, so don´t know what the "Ort" word means. I recognised a few names in the list, as town/cities in Germany, so am guessing that´s what it is. I´m from Ontario, Canada, not Achim!
Thankyou so much for signing my guestbook in my home page, I really appreciate such a kind gesture. Your artwork is brilliant, BREATHTAKING, and compelling. Thanks again, all the best for your future endeavours.. Good luck...
Danke sehr fur screibe meinen gastebuch. Es hat mir sehr gefreut. Mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut, aber ich wunsche sie viel geluck zu, und Gottes friede zu dir und familien und freunden. Und ein schones mahlen. Gruszen aus Den Haag, Die Niederlande.
In Christu, Rene.