Hello from Vancouver, Canada. Nice site, great work. Your artwork is very striking and moving, wished I could read the captions, quite different from mine. Enjoyed my visit thank you Ulrich!
Hello from Vancouver, Canada. Nice site, great work. Your artwork is very striking and moving, wished I could read the captions, quite different from mine. Enjoyed my visit thank you Ulrich!
Hello! I don´t speak your language, so I´m guessing that this is where i´m supposed to type my message. I´m just cruisin´, having a blast. Gotta go, catch you later. Choo! (aka Bye!)
Nice paintings! Thank You for your visit to my homepage.If You know anybody other "fractal maker", I would be happy if You can tell me. I´m very interest of caotic experiments and I´ve done the programs for myself. I dream I have, is to find the fantastic algoritm wich appears in totally 3-D effect.
I wish You a good future for your paintings.
Your work is very different from mine, I do like variety, the world would be boring without it. I lean towards sensualistic painting. Wish you good luck! Ten
hi... thanks for visiting my site & signing my guestbook... i don´t understand any german at all... maybe u can make an english version for ur english-speaking visitors... ~Minna~